Terms and Conditions


We operate this website and use it sell vouchers on behalf of businesses we work with.

By accessing the website and using it you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below (Terms). Some words used in these Terms are defined, and you can see these at the end of the Terms.

Sometimes we need to vary the Terms so we encourage you to check back here whenever you have a question about this website, or the vouchers we offer.  You can also email us at shweta@stepup2gether.com with any questions or concerns you have.



These are some basic Terms about using our website generally:

  • You must only use the website for its obvious and intended purposes.
  • You access and use the website at your sole risk.
  • If you have an account with us:
    • you are responsible for its proper use and for activity associated with the account;
    • you must create and use a password for the account which you must keep secure and confidential;
    • you can ask us to cancel the account at any time; and
    • you must request cancellation or disablement of the account if you suspect unauthorised use of it.
  • You must not copy, distribute, commercialise or otherwise use any content on our website without our consent or unless it is otherwise permitted by law.
  • You must not access the website from any place or in any circumstance where such access may be illegal.
  • If you have subscribed to receive them, we may send you promotional materials from time to time and you consent to receiving them. We may otherwise communicate with you about other administrative matters connected to the website or your use of it.
  • We may collect any personal information you provide by accessing or using the website, including your name, email and delivery address. You hereby acknowledge that if you purchase a voucher, we will share your personal information with the business on whose behalf that voucher is issued, and you hereby consent to us doing so and otherwise to using your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy.
  • We may suspend, terminate or disable, an account or block access to the website. We do not warrant that either or both the account or the website will be available at any particular time or at all.



 It’s easy! Here are the Terms as they relate to buying a voucher from our website:

  • You can only place an order via the website. An order is an offer by you to purchase a voucher and you understand that some vouchers may be subject to availability or otherwise limited. We reserve the right to remove from sale, and from the website, any voucher, or to amend or replace the voucher terms or any information relating to vouchers.
  • If we accept an order you place, we will charge you, via the website and using such third party payment providers as we may determine, the voucher sale price per voucher for which we accept an order.
  • On receipt of payment will issue the vouchers to you either:
    • via the account through which they were ordered; or
    • where there is no such account, via email to the email address used for submitting the order and making payment. We do not accept liability for the non-receipt of the email due to reasons beyond our control.
  • Vouchers are issued by us as agent for the business described on the voucher.



At ‘Step Up Together’, we don’t sell goods or services directly – rather, we sell vouchers on behalf of businesses and you can use them to buy what you want from the relevant business. Here are the Terms as they relate to using your voucher: 

  • The business described on the voucher is responsible for providing the voucher product and for redeeming the voucher. We do not assume any responsibility for the voucher product.
  • The business provides the voucher product pursuant to its own terms and conditions. These include any voucher terms, and you should check these carefully before placing an order for a voucher. You are responsible for complying with the sale terms and conditions of the business.
  • If the voucher can be used for services that require a booking, the business always reserves the right to cancel and reschedule bookings due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
  • We make no representation or warranty as to the quality, merchantability, fitness for purpose, correspondence to description, or suitability of any voucher or any voucher product.
  • You must not reproduce or re-sell vouchers we issue, but you can gift the vouchers unless the voucher terms expressly state otherwise. If you do so, you must ensure that the person to whom you gift is aware of the voucher terms which apply to the voucher.
  • Unless the voucher terms expressly indicate otherwise, the voucher cannot be redeemed for cash or used in conjunction with other offers.



As we sell vouchers on behalf of businesses, and do not supply the goods and services for which the vouchers can be redeemed, we only offer refunds or credits in very limited circumstances, but always in accordance with law. 

If you would like to request a refund or credit, or if you have any questions about these matters, please email us at shweta@stepup2gether.com within 30 days of either the purchase of the voucher or the event which you believe gives rise to a refund event. You should provide us with details of the voucher (i.e. date of purchase, voucher number, etc) and your reason for requesting a refund. You can also make contact direct with the business to whom the voucher relates and we generally encourage you to do this as a first step!

These are the Terms which relate to credits, refunds, and related matters.

  • We will refund an amount or, where appropriate, issue a credit note or take other action, if:
    • an administrative or technical error has caused an incorrect voucher sale price to be charged to you (in relation to which we have received payment);
    • a voucher was promoted on the website in a manner that was fundamentally in error, including where the voucher terms were materially incorrect and which remained uncorrected by us;
    • we are required by law to do so; or
    • we otherwise think it fair and reasonable to do so having regard to all the circumstances.
  • We will generally not refund or provide a credit note, etc, if:
    • the voucher has simply expired according to its voucher terms;
    • you change your mind after an order has been accepted by us;
    • you failed to read these Terms or any relevant voucher terms;
    • you are unable to redeem the voucher on your preferred date, time or place;
    • you are dissatisfied with the voucher product;
    • you fail to comply with the voucher terms or the terms and conditions of the relevant business; or
    • you fail to take reasonable steps to redeem the voucher having regard to the voucher product and any stated redemption period.



Whilst we want to step up and support the businesses with whom we work, and provide you with great purchasing options, it is important that we protect our position and we want you to be clear about our liability to you. These Terms exclude or limited our liability in certain circumstances:

  • We exclude all implied warranties and conditions which might otherwise apply to these Terms except to the extent that they cannot be excluded by law.
  • We, and our employees, contractors or agents, accept no liability in connection with the website, use of the account, voucher, voucher product or these Terms, except to the extent that the liability cannot be excluded by law or arises from our gross negligence. In these events, our liability to shall be limited to:
    • the replacement of the voucher or the supply of an equivalent voucher; or
    • the payment of the cost of having the voucher supplied again.
  • Nothing in these Terms should be read or applied so as to purport to exclude, restrict or modify, or have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying, the application of all or any of the provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or any relevant State Act or Territorial Ordinance which by law cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.
  • If you breach these Terms or any voucher terms, including through improper use of a voucher, you indemnify us against any loss, damage or injury we incur or sustain as a result.



These are the Terms that are general in nature and not otherwise dealt with elsewhere.

  • If any of these Terms is invalid or unenforceable it is to be read down so as to enable it to be valid and enforceable or otherwise severed so as to preserve the enforceability of the remaining of these Terms.
  • The Terms contain the entire agreement between us and you in relation to the vouchers and are governed by the laws of Victoria.
  • Your continued use of the website or the account indicates your acceptance of any amendment we make to these Terms from time to time.
  • The Website may contain links to other websites, content or resources that are not provided by us. We do not necessarily endorse, sponsor or approve of any such websites, content or resources and accept no responsibility for them.
  • If we determine to transfer, whether by sale or otherwise, any of the assets of the business through which we operate the website and issue vouchers, or any interest we may have in any entity which carries on such a business, we may assign all our right, title and interest in this agreement to the transferee which will include all details in relation to you and the account.
  • We reserve all our rights to the extent that they are not reserved by the Terms.



And last but not least, the definitions!

You might expect to see some words used in our Terms to be defined, and they are. For ease of reference, we have kept all the definitions in one place and these definitions apply to our Terms unless the context otherwise requires:

account means an account created by us which may be accessible via the website and through which you may submit an order;

business means the merchant that is the supplier of the voucher product and from whom the voucher may be redeemed pursuant to the voucher terms;

credit note means the creation of a right in you to receive credit toward any voucher sale price for which you may be liable;

GST has the meaning defined in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth);

Guarantee means a guarantee for the purposes of Part 3-2 of Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth);

order means an offer made by you to us via the website to purchase one or more vouchers;

password means a form of letters, numerals and/or symbols which is issued or approved by us in relation to an account and which may be used to access and operate upon an account;

privacy policy means any policy we may have from time to time concerning how we collect, use and handle personal information;

redemption period means, in relation to any voucher, the period during which it may be redeemed with the business;

Terms means these terms and conditions as amended from time to time;

voucher means a voucher issued by us to you or at your direction in accordance with these Terms;

voucher terms means any terms and conditions stated on the website as applying to a particular voucher, or which otherwise appears on or near the voucher and, without limitation, includes the voucher sale price, the redemption period, the voucher product, and restrictions or disclaimers pertaining to the voucher or voucher product;

voucher product means the goods and/or services for which a voucher may be redeemed pursuant to the voucher terms;

voucher sale price means, in respect of any voucher, the sale price as published on the website and includes any GST payable in connection with the issue of the voucher;

website means the website at https://stepup2gether.com/;

us/we/our means Shweta Mahajan ABN 35 643 489 783 trading us ‘Step Up Together’ or a permitted assign of which we have provided you with notice by any means including via the website; and

you / yours means any natural person of at least 18 years of age or other legal entity who accesses or uses the website.